2023 Thursday Night Sumer Trap League
Summer League Trapshooting Rules
1. Safe gun handling is required by all shooters while on Club grounds. All guns must be encased or have the action open when not on the firing line.
2. No loading of gun before your turn comes up in line. No more than one shell in gun at a time when on the line. If a shooter has trouble with his/her gun, the shooter must keep the muzzle pointed down range until the jam or problem is resolved.
3. League competition is 12 weeks beginning at date set each year. You must shoot 12 times within the set number of weeks.
4. Five people constitute a team. Each team will designate one of their members as team captain. No one will shoot on more than one team. If a shooter shoots for more than one team, that shooter’s score will be forfeited for that second, or more, team. Each team may have subs.
5. The team captain is responsible for collection the shooter and sponsor fees to be paid to the league secretary before the 3rd week of shooting.
6. All teams will shoot on a first come first serve basis. You will shoot 2 times on each trap throughout the course of the league.
7. Each team member is to shoot 25 rounds for each league shoot.
8. A team is not allowed to keep their own score.
9. After shooting, each team will make sure the next squad up has a marker before leaving the Club grounds. The team captain is responsible for finding the marker.
10. Any decisions pertaining to trap league rules will be decided by the active team captain and Club Management.
11. No team may shoot more than 3 league rounds in one night. Anything over that and the score(s) will not count. The team may re-shoot that round(s) on another Thursday night during league and must pay the cost of the shooting fees.
12. No team may be more than 2 weeks behind or their score will be their average minus 5 birds, per shooter.
13. Shooters may shoot 2 weeks ahead or be 2 weeks behind. Length of season is 12 weeks.
14. Any shooter not completing all 12 weeks of league by the end of the season will have their score calculated as follows: average minus 5 birds. A team that has only 4 shooters on a league night will add the 5th shooters average, minus 5 birds for their team score.
15. A 14-year-old does not need a guardian on the grounds if he/she has their hunter safety certificate.
16. To qualify for high gun, a shooter must shoot all 12 weeks of league.
17. Any ties at the end of league will be shot off. Any shooter on a shoot off team must be on that team’s roster prior to the 12th week of league.
18. All league shooters must be current members of the Berlin Conservation Club or their score will not be recognized and will be a zero for the week(s) shot.
19. Price for a league round will be determined yearly.
20. A high average trophy will be given to the men’s and ladies teams with the highest average scores. There will be no handicap.
21. If a team does not turn in a score sheet on any specific night, that team will receive a score of zero for that week(s)
22. No practice shooting will be allowed before team shooting.
23. Use of black ringed targets requests and approved. (2013 meeting)
24. For teams shooting 2 or 3 times in one night; if the team signs up for the second and third rounds right away and all traps are full, it will be approximately 12 squads apart for each round.
25. Classes to be used for Thursday Night League will consist of: Veterans Class (65 years and up), Adult Class (19 years to 64 years), Junior Class (14 years to 18 years), and Sub-Junior Class (10 years to 13 years) for both male and female shooters. A minimum of five shooters must shoot in each class before trophies or money will be awarded. It is the shooters responsibility to state what class they will be in. Trophies for the Thursday Night League will be given to the sponsor only and money will be given to the top shooters in each class.
26. If there are 3 or more Junior/Sub-Junior teams shooting, there will be a Junior trophy given. (All junior shooters must be in junior high school or high school at the start of league to be in a Junior category). If there are 3 or more Women’s and/or Veteran’s team, a Women’s/Veteran’s trophy will be given.
27. No team may win more than one trophy.
28. Yelling, cheering, and jumping around on the firing line is not permitted at any time.
29. People that are not shooting other than the team on deck, or the person marking, are not allowed beyond the fence during shooting times. No one may “coach” a shooter on the line at any time.
30. If there are 5 or more Junior teams, they will compete in a league of their own. They will not compete against Adult teams but will shoot on the same nights as adults.
31. For the final night designated as Week 13, any team that needs to shoot out should be signed up by 7:00 p.m. to allow time to set categories and figure standings to notify teams about ties and shoot offs.
32. Annie Oakley Shooters – anyone can shoot and attempt to qualify for Super Annie Oakley, but the shooter must be a current member of the Berlin Conservation Club. The shooter does not need to be a current Thursday Night League shooter or sub.
33. No alcohol or food on or beyond the fence.
34. All shells, factory or reloads, must conform to the ATA Rules.
2. No loading of gun before your turn comes up in line. No more than one shell in gun at a time when on the line. If a shooter has trouble with his/her gun, the shooter must keep the muzzle pointed down range until the jam or problem is resolved.
3. League competition is 12 weeks beginning at date set each year. You must shoot 12 times within the set number of weeks.
4. Five people constitute a team. Each team will designate one of their members as team captain. No one will shoot on more than one team. If a shooter shoots for more than one team, that shooter’s score will be forfeited for that second, or more, team. Each team may have subs.
5. The team captain is responsible for collection the shooter and sponsor fees to be paid to the league secretary before the 3rd week of shooting.
6. All teams will shoot on a first come first serve basis. You will shoot 2 times on each trap throughout the course of the league.
7. Each team member is to shoot 25 rounds for each league shoot.
8. A team is not allowed to keep their own score.
9. After shooting, each team will make sure the next squad up has a marker before leaving the Club grounds. The team captain is responsible for finding the marker.
10. Any decisions pertaining to trap league rules will be decided by the active team captain and Club Management.
11. No team may shoot more than 3 league rounds in one night. Anything over that and the score(s) will not count. The team may re-shoot that round(s) on another Thursday night during league and must pay the cost of the shooting fees.
12. No team may be more than 2 weeks behind or their score will be their average minus 5 birds, per shooter.
13. Shooters may shoot 2 weeks ahead or be 2 weeks behind. Length of season is 12 weeks.
14. Any shooter not completing all 12 weeks of league by the end of the season will have their score calculated as follows: average minus 5 birds. A team that has only 4 shooters on a league night will add the 5th shooters average, minus 5 birds for their team score.
15. A 14-year-old does not need a guardian on the grounds if he/she has their hunter safety certificate.
16. To qualify for high gun, a shooter must shoot all 12 weeks of league.
17. Any ties at the end of league will be shot off. Any shooter on a shoot off team must be on that team’s roster prior to the 12th week of league.
18. All league shooters must be current members of the Berlin Conservation Club or their score will not be recognized and will be a zero for the week(s) shot.
19. Price for a league round will be determined yearly.
20. A high average trophy will be given to the men’s and ladies teams with the highest average scores. There will be no handicap.
21. If a team does not turn in a score sheet on any specific night, that team will receive a score of zero for that week(s)
22. No practice shooting will be allowed before team shooting.
23. Use of black ringed targets requests and approved. (2013 meeting)
24. For teams shooting 2 or 3 times in one night; if the team signs up for the second and third rounds right away and all traps are full, it will be approximately 12 squads apart for each round.
25. Classes to be used for Thursday Night League will consist of: Veterans Class (65 years and up), Adult Class (19 years to 64 years), Junior Class (14 years to 18 years), and Sub-Junior Class (10 years to 13 years) for both male and female shooters. A minimum of five shooters must shoot in each class before trophies or money will be awarded. It is the shooters responsibility to state what class they will be in. Trophies for the Thursday Night League will be given to the sponsor only and money will be given to the top shooters in each class.
26. If there are 3 or more Junior/Sub-Junior teams shooting, there will be a Junior trophy given. (All junior shooters must be in junior high school or high school at the start of league to be in a Junior category). If there are 3 or more Women’s and/or Veteran’s team, a Women’s/Veteran’s trophy will be given.
27. No team may win more than one trophy.
28. Yelling, cheering, and jumping around on the firing line is not permitted at any time.
29. People that are not shooting other than the team on deck, or the person marking, are not allowed beyond the fence during shooting times. No one may “coach” a shooter on the line at any time.
30. If there are 5 or more Junior teams, they will compete in a league of their own. They will not compete against Adult teams but will shoot on the same nights as adults.
31. For the final night designated as Week 13, any team that needs to shoot out should be signed up by 7:00 p.m. to allow time to set categories and figure standings to notify teams about ties and shoot offs.
32. Annie Oakley Shooters – anyone can shoot and attempt to qualify for Super Annie Oakley, but the shooter must be a current member of the Berlin Conservation Club. The shooter does not need to be a current Thursday Night League shooter or sub.
33. No alcohol or food on or beyond the fence.
34. All shells, factory or reloads, must conform to the ATA Rules.